See the availability and prices in real time
To see the rates and the availability of the Torcolo Hotel (in real time) you just need to open the page by clicking the link below:
Best price guaranteed, availability and rates in real time
How you can pre-pay your booking:
Via our website you may pay in total safety:
Credit cards:
Bank transfer:
IBAN: IT13U0200811773000105462924
Transfer to: Aparthotel Italia srl
Bank: Unicredit
From our website you may directly book, you are assured to have the best price and during the procedure to book a room you will be asked if you prefer to pay by using PayPal.
If you book and check-in during the day (at a time pre- established by the reception) you may pay in cash when you get to the Hotel.
Or you may leave your credit card to guarantee you reservation and then later pay by cash in the Hotel.